Monday Evening Inspiration

Good evening Friends:

It is not too late to provide a little Monday evening inspiration and motivation for the week ahead; today is only the beginning.

It is important that in order to have a productive week you must maintain the focus on daily and weekly tasks set out. If you have not clearly set out those tasks then your first assignment would be to set clear goals that you hope to achieve for the week, month etc.

And this principle applies to all areas of your life. When it becomes imbued in you to always have a plan then you find yourself making more progress towards achievement and no goal is too big for you to work towards.

PFS gives you a Monday productivity tip that we have adopted:

  • Write yourself a Monday to-do list that explains where you left off on a task, or what’s next.You do this on a Friday evening, this way, it structures your brain and allows you more time to focus on enjoying your weekend without being distracted by thoughts of what need to be done. Again, structure, structure, plan, plan.

And of course, be ready to fearlessly take on the week:

Bring it on Monday!!! I am prepared for you!!!!
Bring it on Monday!!!
I am prepared for you!!!!

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