PFS Money Matters Monday would like to w

PFS Money Matters Monday would like to wish all our friends a HAPPY last-Monday-in-July day today.
We wrap up all that we have looked at this month, which was basic saving and a guide to responsible borrowing.
Tell us what you think and if these tips worked for you.
‪#‎wrapitup‬ ‪#‎savings‬ ‪#‎borrowresponsibly‬
Some parents are starting to shop, little-by-little for back to school just a moth away.
It cannot be done soon enough, however, we encourage you getting the best prices based on your budget as well as quality.
If you have not started shopping, however, your shopping list should be ready.
With the list, you can start planning which stores you can get which items, based on the best prices.
However, it is the last Monday and we do not want to give too much away.
Next week, we will explore more.
And you too can tell us what your plan usually is around back-to-school time.
We would love to hear from you !!!!
PFS: Your partner in Finance.

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